Friday, September 26, 2008

The Problems With Traditional Networking

I started my business which creates, promotes & hosts primarily business networking events, after I noticed some problems connected with traditonal forms of networking. These problems, while considered minor by most, were present nonetheless & completely fixable by anyone willing to invest some time & energy. That person, as fate would have it, was me...

Problem 1: People have become so disenchanted with the PROCESS of networking that they seem to have forgetton about the PURPOSE.

A vast majority of people I have spoken with about networking have mentioned, in some form, that they were tired of going to the SAME meetings, shaking the SAME hands, hearing the SAME pitches & giving the SAME canned responses. This is going to happen if your group meets regularly and especially if your group limits it's members to 1 per profession. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with attending regular meetings or with groups that limit their members. I understand these concepts well and am not bad-mouthing them at all. Quite to the contrary, I am happy that these groups exist as they create the need which my company fills.

Albert Einstein was quoted as saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. And he was absolutely correct. The reason frustration occurs is that we attend networking functions expecting different results when the only thing that has changed, for the most part is the date. We go to the function fully expecting to see the SAME people and talk about the SAME things and then leave wondering why we feel the SAME way we did when we left last weeks meeting.

The motivation for starting my company was simply to break free of the confines of traditional networking by infusing my forums with excitement, vitality, vigor and all the ther synonyms for energy, but most importantly I wanted to add the elements of change. I want the attendees of my forums to not know what to fully expect. I want the surroundings and the environment to be different which puts people in a heightened state of awareness, which then pushes them to be more creative when conversing with others. Some people will call and ask me how many attendees I ahve signed up, and they always get the same response..."I am not really sure". Because frankly, it doesn't matter!

In conclusion, I am creating networking forums that forces the focus from PROCESS-oriented to PURPOSE-driven. If you would like to experience one of these events first-hand, come to our next event SYNERGY in January. All of the information can be found at

I love networking so much, I made it my business. I would love to hear your comments and thoughts and answer any questions you might have. If you would like to see one of my forums take place in your city, let me know. I would be happy to put a forum together in your area.-Cosmo Recuparo

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